A passenger moves to an ambulance in Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture on Feb. 5, 2020. Hong Kong man on a cruise ship "Diamond Princess" was confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus and the ship is boarding at Tokyo Bay in the waters off Yokohama City. Dozens of quarantine officers are on board to conduct large-scale quarantine of about 3,500 passengers and crews. The number of the patients who have been infected with a new coronavirus has reached to 24324 and the death toll has been confirmed 490 so far as of February 5th morning in China. As the outbreak continues to spread outside China, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the new coronavirus a Global Health Emergency on Jan 31st.( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images )

鑽石公主號停橫濱檢疫 確診名單無台灣人

by 林 意筑
(毅傳媒台北報導)  公主遊輪旗下的「鑽石公主號」出現10名武漢肺炎確診個案,公主遊輪今天表示,確診個案中並沒有台籍旅客,該船也將留在日本 橫濱進行檢疫,隔離期至少14天。     


  對此,公主遊輪今天發出聲明表示,10名確診個案當中,包含2名澳洲、3名日本、3名香港、1名美國賓客和1名菲律賓籍船員,確診的10名旅客,將透過日本海岸警衛隊的船帶到岸上,並由日本醫療專業人員護送至當 地醫院進行護理。   

  另外,公主遊輪表示,已確認「鑽石公主號」將留 在橫濱檢疫,根據日本衛生當局的要求,隔離期至少為14天,在橫濱港停靠後,也將透過港口作業,將食物、其他補給品帶到船上也會持續提供免費網路和電話,以便旅客方便與親友聯繫。   
  公主遊輪強調,會繼續與全球醫療當局和日本政府 進行充分合作並遵循其指示。    




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